Clubfoot Variations
Idiopathic Clubfoot
This is the most common type, in which the cause is unknown. It can affect one or both feet and varies in severity from mild to severe deformity.
Postural Clubfoot
Sometimes referred to as positional clubfoot, this type is less severe and can be corrected with simple stretching and positioning techniques. It often resolves on its own without intervention.
Syndromic Clubfoot
Clubfoot can occur as part of a syndrome where multiple congenital anomalies are present, such as arthrogryposis and spina bifida. This type of clubfoot requires comprehensive medical management to correct.
Severity of Clubfoot Deformity
Clubfoot deformities can vary widely in severity and are classified based on the degree of deformity observed.
Mild Clubfoot
The foot is slightly turned inward and may be corrected with minimal intervention, such as stretching exercises or minimal casting.
Moderate Clubfoot
The foot is noticeably turned inward, requiring more extensive casting and possibly bracing to achieve correction.
Severe Clubfoot
The foot is severely twisted inward, often requiring more aggressive treatment approaches, including longer periods of casting, possible surgical intervention, and extended bracing.
Clubfoot Diagnosis
Diagnosing clubfoot typically occurs shortly after birth through a physical examination by a healthcare provider.
Help Transform a Child’s Life
Your donation can make a world of difference for children born with clubfoot deformity, giving the child a chance to walk, run, and play without limitations.