Dr. Deb Carneol did it! She ran seven marathons on seven continents in seven days to help clubfoot children. Watch the video clip of her finish at left and view photos and videos of all the races here.
Common sense tells us you must walk before you can run. In my case, I’m running so clubfoot children can walk.
Dr. Deb Carneol
The World Marathon Challenge is highly demanding. Deb’s team includes a major league baseball All-Star, a school teacher, the President of a Major League Baseball Team, the Boston Marathon Race Director, a Dentist (Deb), a Para-Olympian Triathlete, reality television star, a lawyer, photographer and Playboy model each raising funds for a charity close to their hearts. Deb has chosen Clubfoot Solutions which manufactures and distributes the Iowa Brace to clubfoot children around the world.
On January 28, 2018 the World Marathon Challenge begins in Antarctica and concludes in Miami, FLA on February 5, 2018. A 26.2 mile marathon will be run in Novo (Antarctica), Cape Town (South Africa), Perth (Australia); Dubai (united Arab Emirates, Madrid (Spain), Barranquilla (Columbia) and Miami (USA)).
Visit the 777 World Marathon website or download more information about Deb Carneol and her journey (PDF).