Ukrainian Clubfoot cutie Arina is with her brother in this photo after she received a set of Iowa Braces for her treatment. She is seven months old and was born with clubfoot deformity and currently is in bracing treatment. Her family lives in the small town of Putivl, which is near the Russian border. Her family is safe but the artillery fighting and rockets are not far from their home.
In 2022, because of many generous donations totaling $3,500, we were able to send 150 Iowa Braces to war ridden children in Ukraine. Read some of our posts about this success here and here.
We are continuing our Iowa Braces for Ukrainian Clubfoot Cuties campaign in 2023 with the hope that peace will come to Ukraine soon. Please consider a donation to help one of these children in need. For as little as $25.00 you can help one of these cuties with their clubfoot bracing treatment. Donate today!