Here’s a heartwarming story from Dr. Adeoye James Adetiloye, a physician practicing in the Middle East. Follow along on this Clubfoot Cutie’s journey!
“Good day to you and the wonderful team at Clubfoot solutions.Thanks for the opportunity to feature a baby I managed as a Clubfoot cutie. I happen to be doing a contract job somewhere in the Middle East and this baby was brought to me about a year ago with left idiopathic Clubfoot. I counselled the parents and I commenced the Ponseti treatment.”

The baby continued to follow the Ponseti Method of treatment and grow into new braces. “They had to order the Iowa brace from India, changing from small to bigger size as the child grew.”

“They have been consistent with the bracing protocol. Sometime last week, the child took her first few steps walking. The mother was so excited she sent me the video showing the child starting to walk independently.
The joyful parents are so glad and would not mind having her featured as our Clubfoot cutie. Such is the joy of using the right treatment (Ponseti method) and using the right brace (Iowa brace).”
“Thanks to the entire team at Clubfoot Solutions and PIA.”